Mobile app testing strategy for start-ups 

Mobile app testing strategy for start-ups 

11 January 2022

Mobile App Testing Strategy

As the millennial and Gen-Z generations are gearing up to rule the tech-driven world, the start-up market is also booming. The new generation with their innovative ideas are transforming the world. One of the industries that has seen an immense surge in the last few years is mobile apps development, with many new apps being released every single day. With the mobile app start-up ecosystem doing extremely well with major investors willing to finance the sector, the major challenge remains as how the companies build a unique strategy to maintain high-quality of the apps. 

Start-ups must come up with a well-strategized plan to ensure that the developed app is of superior quality. Only a seamlessly performing app can help the start-ups to create a unique impression in the highly competitive market. Hence, the mobile app testing strategy is of paramount importance among start-ups. Further, with the varying budget they possess, having an efficient strategy will help them reap maximum benefits at a lesser price. 

App testing strategy for start-ups 

Start-ups should come up with a unique plan to improve the quality of their applications. In addition to regular testing, the following plan should be included to build a flawlessly performing app. 

Adapting agile approach 

One of the important steps in building a quality app is to adapt the agile approach. This helps the testers to conduct the testing alongside the development process, ensuring that the bugs are fixed earlier in the app development lifecycle. By implementing agile methods, there is no longer wait to perform the test and the final product meets the desired outcomes. 

The agile approach allows DevOps practice to ensure a faster deployment cycle. As the bugs are identified in the earlier stages of the SDLC, it offers immense scope to the developers to fix the issues before moving to the next stage. In this way, the overall quality of the app is ensured to remain high. 

The agile approach is a great addition to a start-up to improve their app quality and build a loyal customer base. 

Cross-Device Testing  

The smartphone market is huge with millions of handheld devices being made available today. Each device differs from the other in screen size, resolution, and aesthetics. To ensure the app is flawlessly working on all the devices, it is important to test app across all the devices. Considering the number of smart devices available today, it is not practically possible to conduct the testing across all the devices; and start-ups having budget constraints makes it even more difficult. 

The best way to perform cross-device testing is by opting for Device Farms or Device Clouds. Device Farms is a testing environment that enables to conduct testing on real-world scenarios. Device Farm offers various customization options like wireframe, operation system versions etc., thereby, helping to achieve high-quality, responsive apps with great performance. 

Device Farms are the perfect choice for mobile app testing because it: 

  • Allows testing on all Android and iOS versions 
  • Offers easily test scalability 
  • Enables easy and cost-effective cross-device testing 
  • Faster and accurate defect identification 
  • Enables easy integration with AI and ML 
  • Compatible with both native and hybrid apps 
  • Offers higher test coverage 
  • Perfect solution for real-world scenario 
  • Offers easy accessibility  

Choosing emulators for testing 

For start-ups who work with limited resources and cautiously plan their budget, emulators are great to implement in their testing strategy. Emulators mimic real devices and are considerably cheaper. They imitate the app’s functionality, operating system, and hardware to give accurate testing results. Emulators are great to test the UI and test flows; they offer easy accessibility and speed up the testing. 

When emulators are used in combination with real devices, they yield excellent testing results. Emulators are a great addition to the start-ups to improve the testing strategy. 

Streamlining the process 

As start-ups usually consist of a founder with an innovative idea and limited manpower, it is important to streamline the process and delegate the work wisely. Usually, due to budget restrictions, start-ups go for SET (Software Engineer in Test) testing models instead of opting for software testers. SETs are developers who design and sometimes execute test automation systems and maintain the software lifecycle consistency. 

Why testing strategy is essential? 

Testing strategy is important not just to streamline the process and create quality apps, but it builds the brand as a whole. Quality products are the way to expand the customer base and build a unique brand. In addition, testing strategy will also benefit the company with the following: 

Improves quality: Having an elaborate testing strategy will help the organization to have a check on the quality. It streamlines the entire process and ensures that all the parameters are tested. By implementing a well-planned strategy, the overall quality of the product is improved. 

Creates brand reputation: A good quality app will increase the customer’s loyalty and explore new opportunities for brand promotion. Further, helping the company to build a better reputation. 

Builds customer trust: A good strategy improves the app quality, which will attract new customers and retain the existing ones. A quality app will increase the number of end-users and build a loyal customer base. 

Increases sales: A good quality product keeps up to the promise made by the company. It makes sales easy as the product quality speaks for itself. The increasing sales, in turn, adds to the company’s revenue. 


As a start-up slowly begins exploring the market, the key to expand in the business lies in providing a quality product to the customers. Without a testing strategy, the company will not be able to achieve the desired outcome. Start-ups who are exploring the marketing newly should implement a strategy to streamline the process and get the expected results.  

Tenjin Online is a cost-effective app testing platform that start-ups should consider for easy and accurate testing. It is a multi-tenant SaaS-based test automation solution for mobile app testing that supports both Android and iOS systems. It has the capability to automatically scan through the pages and perform test execution without human intervention. It can easily handle test execution, test management, and defect management. It doesn’t need any complex configuration or integration; it’s easy, simple, and can support test execution anytime. 


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