5 Useful Tips to Perform Test Automation for Mobile Apps

5 Useful Tips to Perform Test Automation for Mobile Apps

24 February 2022

Slow scroll and click-responsiveness, poor app performance, constant crashes and errors, poor loading time, and weak functionalities are some of the common reasons why users uninstall a mobile app. These issues can cause extreme annoyance and prompt the users to turn to your competitors, affecting your business. App uninstalls can be avoided by offering a seamless user experience which can be achieved only by having a thorough test automation process in place. Only a powerful test automation solution can test the app through deep integrations, extensive customizations, functionalities, and non-functionalities, and help you reach that million-plus downloads you have desired for.

Undoubtedly, test automation is the holy grail that can help you improve the quality of developed software. However, to leverage the full potential of the test automation solution, you can consider some of the useful tips mentioned in the article. Let’s shed some light on how to maximize test automation effectiveness.

5 Useful Tips to Perform Mobile Test Automation

As advancements at the technological front is gearing up, software development is also witnessing transformative changes with integration of innovative approaches like agile methodologies and DevOps cycles. It is quite challenging to perform testing across complex development workflows. To ease the tedious testing process and yield accurate results, organizations are moving towards test automation solutions.

Though test automation has proved to offer accurate results and improve the quality of the software, here are some useful tips that can magnify the efficiency of the process.

Find and reduce repetitive work:  As software testing is subjected to integration and customization, most of the testing processes becomes highly repetitive and monotonous. To perform manual repetitive testing can be highly mundane and tedious, and prone to errors. Hence, whenever a repetitive test has to be executed, without a second thought run test automation. It considerably reduces manual efforts and saves immensely on time and cost.

Testing at a service level with multiple values: A significant amount of testing requires manipulating the data to check if the app is properly working or not with a different set of values. A tester has to choose a value for a field or multiple fields, type in those values, click the ‘submit’ or ‘OK’ button to check how the app reacts with that data. Manual execution of the data testing can be prone to errors as the process deals with enormous values at the same time, which can be tedious as well as time-consuming. To perform such data-driven tests, companies should leverage mobile app testing automation tools and perform app assessments at the service level. Through automation, the QA team can set up the automation with distinct values that can process the results very quickly.

Using a combination of emulators, simulators, and real devices: Testing applications in virtual environment such as emulators and simulators is good at an early stage of development. However, testing on an emulator/ simulator from start to end cannot yield accurate results. Leveraging the benefits of virtual devices combined with real mobile devices for automated testing gives you the freedom to test various key device capabilities like connectivity issues, camera functionality, sensor checks, battery drain, GPS, calling, SMS interruption, and more. Using a combination of virtual devices and real devices for testing has proven to offer the best outcomes.

Be a part of the testing community: The best way a quality assurance team can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and automation testing scenarios is by becoming an active participant in the testing and development community. Engaging in online application testing community can provide you with various tricks and strategies that you can use in your mobile application testing.

Conducting different performance testing on apps: There are a lot of testing techniques that become fruitful if carried out at the earlier stage of development. It will identify bugs before the product goes to production. But when it comes to performance testing or load testing in automated mobile app testing, it is always the right choice to do it in the later phase of the development cycle. Various mobile app testing automation tools leverage Cloud-based emulators to mimic user behavior and check the app’s performance during traffic spikes. For a mobile app, various types of performance such as network, UI, hardware-based, on different devices and OSes, multiple apps running simultaneously, and other performance checking are noteworthy. Again, the app should pass load testing like bandwidth load, data-driven loads, request-response load, etc.


We hope this comprehension has given you a quick walkthrough of the various tips one can utilize during mobile app testing. Testing mobile apps, especially performance testing and load testing, is not accessible. But automation tools, together with emulators and real devices, can make the task easier. Following these tips mentioned in this article will make automation testing on mobile apps much easier to carry.

Why choose Tenjin Online for mobile test automation?

Tenjin Online is a powerful SaaS-based, codeless mobile testing automation platform that can effortlessly test Android and iOS apps. It is a simple tool that can be used even by non-technical personnel with utmost ease. It ensures that the app is visually appealing and offers a seamless user experience. It tests all the functional and non-functional aspects of the app with utmost ease. This is the only tool that you will ever need for testing web and mobile apps. It has the capabilities of test management, test execution, defect management, and performs complete end-to-end testing services to improve the quality of the software.


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