Top Mobile Test Automation Trends to Look for in 2022

Top Mobile Test Automation Trends to Look for in 2022

17 November 2021

The mobile industry has become one of the world’s leading software development markets with more than 3.5 billion smartphone users across the globe. The increasing number of smartphone users has led to a significant rise in app development, which has eventually increased the emphasize on mobile testing. Testing has become a significant part of mobile application development, failing which, it can lead to malfunctioning apps causing dissatisfied end-users, further, affecting the organization’s reputation.

The focus on quality is ever-increasing and companies are making hefty investment to continually innovate and evolve along the testing landscape. According to a report, the global software test automation market is expected to reach $28.8 billion by next year. With this growth at a sky-rocketing pace, the coming year 2022 is all set to see some more advances at the mobile test automation front. To sustain the pace of the ever-changing mobile app testing industry, organizations should be familiar with the most advanced app testing trends. Let us now jump into different mobile testing trends that will make the app testing market boom in 2022.

The mobile test automation trends of 2022

Software testing is going to be the primary focus of the app development process in the coming year. Here is a quick guide on the top mobile test automation trends to look for in 2022.

Quality Assurance (QA) Automation: Only a flawlessly performing app can attract new customers and retain the existing ones. A poorly performing app will not only lead to unhappy customers but will also negatively affect the reputation of the organization. When an organization launches an application in the market, there needs to be a constant focus on quality assurance. With the advancement in app development technology, the testing process should be advanced to align with the development process and detect even the slightest error. Manual testing will be tedious and time-consuming under this scenario, hence, the automation process has become a necessity in recent times. Automating quality assurance brings in significant growth in the application testing phase. But there is a slight requirement of manual testing, mostly backed with automation testing. According to a recent report, about 12 per cent of app development businesses have entirely automated their app quality assurance. This percentage will increase in 2022 as mobile test automation reduces the cost and effort of the overall application development process.

Cloud-based cross-browser testing: The increasing customer preferences have given the app developers immense opportunities to explore various UX, UI, screen size, resolution, navigation options, and much more. There are thousands of devices with different specifications available in the market. Testing of all the parameters across all the devices can lead to errors when tested manually, hence, organizations are adopting Cloud-based cross-browser testing frameworks. Cloud-based cross-browser testing seamlessly conducts testing over hundreds of devices, browsers, and OS combinations, making the entire mobile app testing effortless. This trend will significantly grow in 2022.

Scriptless or codeless Test Automation: Mobile test automation has already gained immense popularity due to easing repetitive and mundane jobs, thereby, eliminating all scopes of human errors. This trend will continue to rise in 2022 and beyond, and will not fade away anytime soon. Companies are leveraging resources more efficiently by incorporating modern mobile test automation tools to improve the quality of the developed app. The incorporation of codeless test automation has allowed companies to reduce time, cost, and effort considerably.

API and Service Testing: API development is growing in popularity, and its demand will rise significantly in the coming years. Currently, there are lots of mobile apps that get derived from completely non-mobile environments. Companies build their web applications with top-end features that serve PC users only. To bring these features down to the mobile version, developers take the help of APIs for rapid mobile app development. Through APIs, developers can deliver any form of service to mobile apps. APIs also increase the code or feature reusability, which makes it a widely used approach. Now, the app development team needs to strengthen the functionality and integration of the API with the mobile app. API testing ensures top-end security and whether the integrated service is working smoothly. The API testing in the mobile version will be an interesting trend to look for in the year 2022.

DevOps and Agile testing: DevOps and Agile methodologies have been integrated well as a part of the development lifecycle in various software development industries. Companies are adopting these approaches but are expecting sincere implications in the field of mobile application testing. In agile software development, developers and testers work more closely with the QA team. The coding and DevOps skills in developers and testers will help the project gain higher appreciation and less friction. As the time-to-market is reducing significantly, the development and the testing team need to work in together to deliver the product according to market expectations. The DevOps and agile testing for mobile apps will be one of the trends that’ll be prominent in 2022.

The culture of CI/CD: The trend of developing mobile applications is shifting towards Rapid Development. This approach has become the cornerstone of the mobile application industry. Developers work day and night to fix bugs, get new patches, and deploy the product in the market with updates. Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) have become the core mantra of developing large-scale apps. It uses automated tests to verify whether the integration fits into each development lifecycle stage or not. Any bugs or issues in the product get fixed instantly and re-tested as the automation test works in the background. Such an instant integration, testing, and delivery culture help in delivering changes to the code rapidly and in a reliable manner. The continuous testing approach for mobile testing is the need of time, hence, it is going to be a major trend of 2022.

Software Security and Penetration Testing: Security in mobile apps has always been essential for business growth and success. Any data leaks or vulnerability in the mobile application can cost the organization millions of dollars. To ensure that the developed app is completely secured, organizations are investing heavily in security testing. Security testing has always been a priority to restore user privacy and secure their data. Hence, this is a trend that will never go out of fashion.


Every mobile application development company should take support of mobile test automation. By automating mobile app testing, app development companies can reduce the time, cost, and effort of developing and testing apps.

Tenjin Online is a mobile test automation platform that has been proven successful over apps across all major categories. It’s a multi-tenant, SaaS-based, codeless test automation platform that performs end-to-end testing with its capabilities such as test management, test execution, and defect management. It provides unique point-and-automate support, thereby, accelerating the change and acceptance of software.


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