Introducing Tenjin Online

Introducing Tenjin Online

24 February 2021

Introducing Tenjin Online

The app development process is complex and done programmatically. However, the traditional programmatic app development paradigm seems slow and time-consuming and may fail to meet the increasing demand for more enterprise applications. We are seeing a significant rise in the growth of “no-code app development” platforms to address these concerns.

The fundamental drivers for a shift to no-code are not new. Evolution of technology and tools has simplified and democratized access to technology. It is now easier to use allowing the complex creations to be successful. From interpreters to compliers and IDE’s, we have now moved to no-code development.

The drivers are essential around control and predictability.  The dearth of technical skill creates challenges for the non-programmers as there are dependency and reliance on third parties even for the smallest and simplest of tech-requests. As people now want to gain control over the application development lifecycle and we want to empower them by removing the need for rectifying and educating them about our intent.  

If app development is shifting to a no-code paradigm, would app-testing remain far behind?

The business case for no-code app-testing automation is stronger than for no-code development.  Most of the testing (enterprise app testing) teams are typically more aligned to business/ functional knowledge streams than programming. They are looking at building a reliable and reusable repository that can aid them in countless iterations. The need to have a programmer seems to slow them down.

So, how do we enable no-code test-automation for testing?

We have been innovating in the “Large Enterprise App” space for the past 5 years.  Our paradigm of codeless test automation has been adopted by 100’s of testers in 30+ enterprises.  However, we wanted to extend the “codeless” paradigm beyond large enterprise applications. To support the fast-evolving “digitalization”, we wanted to provide an easy, revolutionary, intuitive, and comprehensive platform for testers across the globe to test and automate testing of their apps.

Towards this, we have launched our SaaS platform “TenjinOnline”.  It currently supports test-design, planning, tracking and automation for mobile applications. It provides a unique point-and-automate capability.  Reducing dependencies on elusive Appium developers, we believe that this could accelerate change and acceptance of software. 

With capabilities such as Test Management, Test Execution, and Defect Management, TenjinOnline facilitates comprehensive end-to-end testing services helping users save time and cost, thus help achieve high ROI. We published into beta our Android and iOS app testing capabilities. We look forward to continuing investing in the technology to expand from mobile apps to simple-web-apps and onwards-and-upwards to more complex platforms. 

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