Code-based or Codeless Test Automation: Which Is Better for You?

Code-based or Codeless Test Automation: Which Is Better for You?

20 December 2022

Imagine getting unmatched quality even under extreme scenarios of higher loads and time constraint. Isn’t that the holy grail that every institution strives for? Automation has made this possible for human beings over the past years. The breakneck speed with which products and services need to be delivered makes the use of automation absolutely essential in any industry.

Testing is one of the vital components of software development, and advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has further added value to the process of automation. While earlier, test automation was highly dependent on the time and efforts of coders in order to get off the ground, the evolving technology of codeless test automation has made this process easier to understand and implement. This has saved time and reduced discrepancies associated with human errors. Automating the testing process can help identify errors, bugs, and other defects at a faster rate, so that the software is more stable and necessary updates can be brought to the end users sooner than usual.

While modern practices of codeless test automation take the process to the next level, if your institution is already involved in code-based test automation, is the shift to codeless test automation worth the additional effort? Which mode of test automation suits your requirements best? Here we try to answer these questions for you.

Code-based Test Automation

Code-based testing corresponds to the testing process that is carried out by coding. This kind of testing process requires an individual with an understanding of coding. In the software testing process, code development, code inspection, and unit testing would be processes that typically come under code-based testing.

Many institutions are working on code-based testing as they don’t prefer changes overnight in order to maintain the progress they have been making. Changing to test automation requires a certain window of learning new processes and getting used to a different format of working that an institution may not be able to afford at a given point in time. Besides this, change can be hard to make when employees are set in the way of working, and it is important to weigh the benefits against potential opposition to a new process being introduced.

To its credit, code-based testing paves the way for better customization as writing code gives testers the ability to change scripts according to their needs. They don’t need to be completely dependent on automation tools for test outcomes. This flexibility is only possible when testers have some knowledge of coding.

This kind of in-depth understanding of the code that goes into the test automation process is necessary for advanced flows. Scenarios, where a standard code does not fit an application’s requirements, need a code-based approach to run smoothly over time.

Codeless Test Automation

Testers using codeless test automation methods do not need to have any prior knowledge of coding. Having a Graphical User Interface makes this form of testing more intuitive, so that it can be learned faster and implemented across teams seamlessly. For a newly formed team, onboarding the members directly onto a codeless test automation method can reduce the training period while keeping output optimal.

The complications and repetitive tasks involved in writing test scripts are taken away, which immediately free up testers’ time to focus on customer experience and functionality-related details. Time is saved by simplifying regression checks involving writing codes, and the need for developer involvement is eliminated when the process is codeless. This makes codeless test automation a more cost-efficient option. Institutions can, hence, use funds for other purposes.

Another big advantage of this method is that as soon as the UI is ready, the testing process can begin. This saves time, and simultaneously increases efficiency. Testers can skip the intermediate steps involving complex coding practices and frameworks, and directly get down to the task at hand.

The additional benefit of codeless is that testing and test-automation can both be undertaken by your Business Analyst / Functional testing teams.  This helps bring greater fungibility in your teams and reduce the complexity introduced due to diverse skill sets.

Going Codeless in the Modern World

In today’s world of Agile practices where software updates come in iterations rather than a one-time release, it is important to match the speed of production with continuous integration. Fast and accurate testing processes that skip the additional scripting stage are a necessity in such a case. Codeless testing automation allows institutions looking to adopt such modern practices to make the move without facing any unnecessary bumps along the way.

Using codeless test automation tools also prepares an institution for changes in applications and platforms, since it implements self-learning and re-learning AI algorithms. On the other hand, writing a script is not a one-time effort. It needs to be changed constantly to keep with the changing landscape of every platform it is written for. The cost of maintenance when using such a method goes up tremendously, given the constant advancements in software and technology the world is witnessing. When compared to the near-zero cost of maintenance of codeless methods, the better option is clear.

Breaking the Code

Whichever method of testing is used by the organizations, organizations have to look at test automation as a long-term practice that needs to be consistently leveraged.

Keeping the above considerations in mind, the cost, time, and ease-of-use benefits of codeless test automation give it a clear edge. Codeless automated testing processes today can provide the same accuracy as code-based processes while saving on time and improving maintainability. 

As an institution moves towards the future, all its processes have to meet modern standards. The process of testing automation should be no different. Traditional code-based methods had their advantages in the past. But with an easier-to-learn and faster-in-output option available, it may be time for institutions to leave behind the process of writing code in testing automation and adopt processes in line with the times.

Tenjin Online, a Codeless Testing Platform for App Testing

Tenjin Online is a powerful SaaS-based, mobile testing automation platform for Android and iOS apps. It is the world’s most advanced Cloud native testing suite covering a wide gamut of capabilities – test life cycle management, codeless automation for web and mobile, DevOps integration, device farm integration, defect management integration and many more exciting features.


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