Agile Test Automation: How Will This Benefit the Companies?

Agile Test Automation: How Will This Benefit the Companies?

4 August 2021

Gone are the days when a product is tested at the last stage of the product development cycle in the IT industry, now is the era that belongs to agile testing. Agile testing has assisted product development by allowing test engineers to incorporate testing throughout the software development lifecycle. It also allows developers to create highly scalable and high-quality products from the start, avoiding rework after defects are discovered.

As a result, agile testing has managed to bring developers and testers closer together, allowing teams to collaborate on product quality assurance throughout the product development lifecycle and permitting everyone to test, blurring the lines between isolated testing and development processes.

Automation in Agile Testing

Automating the testing procedure has improved the efficiency of agile testing. With agile test automation, testers repeat the testing process to develop the product while maintaining quality and time. The main reason behind automating agile testing is to shorten the development cycle and speed up the delivery. Companies can enjoy several benefits if they adapt test automation.

Given below are some of the effective ways companies can get benefit from agile test automation:

Fast Execution

Agile test automation helps developers work more efficiently. As the testing is done in different stages, errors and other issues can be discovered and fixed early. It is easier and less expensive to fix the glitch if found earlier. Even for complicated systems, agile test automation saves a significant amount of time. With the help of agile test automation, the developers can invest more time in introducing some new enthralling features rather than wasting time on testing.


Software development is often subjected to  monotonous tasks and repetitive configurations. Such processes can be easily tested by incorporating test automation for better results. Automated test cases can be run repeatedly multiple times in the same or even different ways because they are easily reusable. Furthermore, after the discovery of any bug, the directory gets new updates.

In some cases, this can save you up to 70% on maintenance cost. They are cost-effective due to their reusability, and they eliminate the possibility of human errors, as testers may skip specific steps, resulting in bugs and issues.

High Coverage

Testers can conveniently build a test suite for every function according to the application, such as data tables, memory contents, and multiple programs, because they don’t have to run most tasks manually. So, if you are looking for an effective way to get higher coverage, then automated testing is the best solution.

Besides this, one can run multiple complex cases by testers simultaneously. If tests aren’t automated, full coverage will entail many testers working in a short time. More features that have been tested result in an exceptional application or software with advanced functionality.

As a result, when each aspect is tested multiple times automatically, it aids in the immediate correction of errors and improves the product’s quality.

Accurate results

Irrespective of how brilliant a tester is, they are humans, and humans can commit mistakes for many reasons. As a result, they can lose track of the steps or miss some of the important ones. On the other hand, when a well-developed automation test suite is implemented, it ensures that entire steps are completed all the time, resulting in improved and quality products.

The results of the tests are noted in the automated testing to ensure the testers can have a look at the results and make any adjustments if needed. Furthermore, automated tests enable code factoring or the modification of code to improve performance. According to the test results, testers can modify the system and rerun the tests to see how they affect automation.

Agile test automation helps you run the same process repeatedly, and testers will minimize the chance of error. Furthermore, automation eliminates any errors or missed steps, ensuring that all test cases and actions are completed correctly to obtain the desired results. This increased precision aids in the development of high-quality products.

Impactful experiences

You might not be able to check the app performance if you go for manual testing of an app, but that is possible with automation. The automation test will help you glimpse the future performance of the app.

Reduction in cost

Before making any investment, the cost is the first consideration. Testing with automation is frequently regarded as a costly endeavor. However, implementing automation cost is currently quite low. It will certainly have a lower cost after it starts running as this product can be used for the long run and multiple times without spending any extra cost.

Detection of bugs and errors in the initial stage

Agile Test automation helps to find bugs and fix them in the initial stage as the system is tested early through automation.  Unlike traditional testing methods, this method of testing begins earlier in the product life cycle. Detecting bugs early in the development process allows you to address any problems quickly. The bug detection and early resolution of the bug in the development process help improve the final product’s overall stability and functionality.

Why TenjinOnline for agile testing?

In today’s trend, most companies don’t consider test automation as a phase in agile product development but rather as a culture that enables developers and testers to collaborate to develop and release high-quality products quickly. 

The trend is changing, and companies have started relying on agile test automation tools for the IT development and maintenance process. You can rely on Tenjin Online for an efficient and faster testing of your mobile apps. It is a powerful SaaS-based, mobile testing automation platform for Android and iOS apps. This simple, codeless, and self-serviced platform helps to perform automation mobile testing to ensure that the app is visually appealing, offers interactive interface, easy to navigate, and performs flawlessly without compromising on performance, security, and safety of the mobile device. TenjinOnline is capable of handling wide range of app testing that involves UI / UX, API and performance of your mobile applications.


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