Data-driven Testing

No technical skills required! Easy, effortless, intuitive data-driven testing for improved business outcomes.


Manage Tests with Ease

Enjoy the ease of testing multiple test data with single test! Data-driven testing allows to manage scripts efficiently and compactly, to run multiple tests while improving the test coverage. It allows to automate the testing for repeated permutations of data and evaluates the outcome with the expected results to test accuracy.


Data-driven Testing Approach

Import Test Data

Data input is extremely simple, which allows importing data from Excel, CSV, or JSON files to create a test data profile. Here, the tedious process of writing test cases is dissolved! 

Testing is purely based on permutation, combination of the input data.

Configure Tests

Replace coding of testing cases with the test data profiles of the data-driven approach. Tests are configured to run multiple times with different data to evaluate the outcome. The codeless approach makes the entire process easy and effortless.

Increase Coverage

Test coverage is increased by considering both positive and negative data sets. When positive and negative data sets are run multiple times, the outcomes are examined and compared with the expected results.


Create 6x Faster Tests!

Create tests faster like never before; reach out to Tenjin Online team to know more.
